
Saudi Arabia, U.K. explore opportunities in sustainable city development, green energy

Saudi Arabia's Ambassador to the U.K. highlighs the growth of debt markets and insurance companies across the Kingdom
Saudi Arabia, U.K. explore opportunities in sustainable city development, green energy
Al-Falih cited Saudi Arabia's satisfaction in dealing with British companies from various sectors, including banking, investment firms, and services, as well as with educational institutions (Image: SPA)

Saudi Arabia and the U.K. recently explored partnership opportunities in sustainable city development and green energy technologies, highlighting the growing green infrastructure financing market during the U.K.-Saudi Sustainable Infrastructure Forum in London, which started on Monday.

In his opening speech, Minister of Investment Eng. Khalid Al-Falih stressed that Saudi Arabia is “transforming from a source of capital to a bidirectional capital market”. Al-Falih also noted that Saudi Arabia will continue to invest globally, particularly in the UK.

In addition, Al-Falih cited Saudi Arabia’s satisfaction in dealing with British companies from various sectors, including banking, investment firms and services, as well as with educational institutions, expressing a desire to further develop these areas of cooperation.

U.K. Saudi Arabia
(Source: SPA)

At a special session themed “Importance of U.K.-Saudi Collaboration in Key Sectors and Advancing the Green Transition to Net Zero”, Saudi Arabia’s Ambassador to the U.K. Prince Khalid bin Bandar bin Abdulaziz highlighted the growth of debt markets and insurance companies across the Kingdom, noting that this comprehensive growth is the way to achieve the country’s goals.

Read: Saudi Arabia leads water sustainability by doubling desalinated water production

Prince Khalid added that Saudi Arabia’s environment is highly conducive to business operations. Hence, it offers significant opportunities for growth and success, thus making it a preferred destination for professionals in business and finance.

Among the other discussion panels were “Financing sustainable infrastructure: Bridging the investment gap, and the role of public-private partnerships and innovative financing models”, which tackled the financing of sustainable infrastructure.

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