
Strategies to increase productivity in the workplace

Work smarter to achieve better results
Strategies to increase productivity in the workplace
Avoid burnout by setting strategic goals and prioritizing effectively

For anyone looking to make their mark in today’s fast-paced global economy, to increase one’s productivity is key. In the Middle East, this is particularly important.

A region steeped in history and abundant resources, the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) workforce is a powerhouse of over 158 mn. As such, staying a step ahead is not just desirable but also necessary.

To increase your productivity, you need to work smart with purpose and efficiency. The process requires continuous self-improvement and a drive to optimize one’s potential.

Below are some proven strategies to increase your productivity in the workplace.

Clearly define goals and priorities

Start increasing productivity by setting clearly defined short-term and long-term goals. Next, once you have a roadmap for your development and your work’s direction, focus on setting priorities. Prioritize daily tasks that are more essential and time-sensitive to ensure your activities align with your bigger goals.

In 2022, McKinsey Health Institute surveyed over 4,000 employees in four GCC countries, namely Kuwait, the UAE, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar. In particular, they aimed to gauge the state of worker health in the region. Alarmingly, one in every three respondents reported experiencing burnout symptoms.

To increase your productivity does not mean aimless and endless toiling. Avoid burnout by setting strategic goals and prioritizing effectively. A clear direction fuels productivity and mitigates the risk of burnout.

Implement effective time management

Additionally, effective time management is another means to increase productivity. Structure your day into manageable segments, each dedicated to specific tasks. This approach promotes balance and prevents work overload.

Furthermore, utilize digital tools such as calendars, to-do lists, or time-tracking apps for better planning and weed out unnecessary time-wasters.

Remember, productivity is about working smarter, not harder. More so, maximizing your time will directly increase your productivity and reduce the possibility of burnout. Time is indeed money, and taking control of it is the first step towards better productivity.

Read: Top productivity apps to install on your devices

Use technology

Indisputably, technology can serve as a compelling tool to increase productivity when used judiciously. Resort to digital mechanisms for a gamut of tasks, including intercommunication, project management, time mapping, and more. Further, shifting to automation for repetitive tasks clears up space for more challenging and rewarding work.

The Global Hopes and Fears Survey 2023 reports on responses from roughly 54,000 individuals across 46 countries, including 1,563 individuals from the Middle East. Accordingly, 75 percent of these Middle Eastern respondents marked digital competencies as a top career priority for the next five years.

The takeaway? Use technology to increase productivity. Let it work for you, saving your time and efforts for tasks that truly matter.


Foster positive relationships

Moving beyond just your individual performance, building strong, sustainable relationships is fundamental. Networking and cooperation with fellow team members can increase your productivity levels and pave the way for future opportunities. 

Gensler’s recent Middle East Workplace Survey incorporated the responses of over 2,000 office workers from Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and Kuwait. The survey presents a ripe chance to adapt the workplace to meet evolving work expectations.

According to the study, strong relationships with colleagues positively impact business outcomes in the highest-performing workplaces in the region. Essentially, nurturing positive relationships offers a great way to increase productivity and improve professional outcomes.

Maintain work-life balance through regular breaks

In addition, continuous work without rest is counterproductive. Stress management through regular breaks becomes integral to increase productivity. Striking a work-life balance is essential to a healthy, productive work environment, and taking time for relaxation or hobbies keeps you motivated and rejuvenated.

According to a 2022 survey, more than half of the employees in the MENA region have contemplated leaving their current jobs at some point in pursuit of a better work-life balance.

Therefore, having regular breaks is both beneficial and critical. It rejuvenates your mental state, averts burnout, and sustains the indispensable work-life balance, all essential to increase your productivity.

How employers can help increase productivity

  • Implement flexibility. Adopt flexible work schedules or remote working opportunities, catering to employees’ individual needs and preferences.
  • Invest in training. In addition, provide regular training and development courses, enhancing employees’ skills and expertise, ultimately leading to increased productivity.
  • Maintain a safe work environment. Similarly, ensuring workplace safety and personal health promotes employee wellbeing, ensuring they can perform to their full potential.
  • Offer mental health support. More so, stress management workshops, counseling sessions, and promoting an open dialogue about mental health can significantly increase productivity.
  • Recognize and reward success. Finally, acknowledge and reward hard work and achievement. This can increase productivity of the acknowledged employee. Moreover, it can also encourage other members to strive for similar success.

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