
Vision 2030’s media coverage gives Saudi big impetus

Vision 2030 media coverage grew by 74% since 2020
Vision 2030’s media coverage gives Saudi big impetus

In-depth research by media intelligence company CARMA revealed how Vision 2030 has given new impetus to Saudi, contributing to the largest share of Saudi’s global media coverage in 2022.  

The report showed that one-third of the articles now talk about Vision 2030 in Q1 2022 compared to 19 percent in 2020. 

Overall, general references to economic affairs were the second largest contributor to mainstream media articles at 18 percent, while Oil & Gas were third at 11 percent and Tourism & Culture were at 10 percent. 

Furthermore, according to CARMA’s research, the conversation is increasing around social changes taking place in Saudi (23 percent) and the key topics covered over the last year are female empowerment, tourism, improved quality of life, moving beyond oil, digital infrastructure, as well as human capital efficiency, and intensifying diplomacy. 

Looking at the period between 2020 to 2021, another notable finding in the research was the increase in economic coverage from 39 to 44 percent, while social issues surged from 19 to 21 percent.

While Vision 2030 media coverage now has grown by 74 percent from 2020 until today, it still represents just 33 percent of overall coverage. 

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