
Saudi Crown Prince launches Esports World Cup

The tournament will be hosted in Riyadh annually, starting next summer
Saudi Crown Prince launches Esports World Cup
During the New Global Sport Conference attended by Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in Riyadh (Photo Credit: SPA)

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman officially launched the annual eSports World Cup during a ceremony held on Monday. The prestigious tournament is scheduled to be hosted in Riyadh every year, starting from the summer of the upcoming year.

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The unveiling of the tournament took place at the New Global Sport Conference held in Riyadh, where Prince Mohammed bin Salman emphasized that the eSports World Cup represents a significant milestone in the Kingdom’s quest to establish itself as the global hub for eSports and gaming. He highlighted that the event will provide an unparalleled experience, surpassing existing standards in the industry. The Crown Prince further highlighted that the tournament will play a pivotal role in achieving the objectives outlined in Vision 2030, including economic diversification, tourism sector growth, and the creation of employment opportunities.

In addition, the Crown Prince revealed the establishment of the Esports World Cup Foundation, a non-profit organization tasked with organizing the tournament. He stressed that this foundation will serve as a catalyst, fostering collaboration among all gaming and esports stakeholders and partners to propel the sector into a new phase of growth.

Saudi Arabia anticipates the tournament as a significant achievement resulting from the implementation of the gaming and esports sector strategy, initiated by Prince Mohammed bin Salman in September of the previous year. The strategy’s objective is to drive the sector’s contribution to the national economy to exceed 50 billion riyals by 2030, generate over 39,000 new job opportunities, and transform Riyadh into a prominent hub for e-gaming.

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