
Saudi Arabia cuts February Arab Light crude prices to 27-month low

Saudi Aramco's significant price reduction responds to market pressures
Saudi Arabia cuts February Arab Light crude prices to 27-month low
Saudi Aramco set the new price at $1.50 a barrel over Oman/Dubai quotes

In a strategic move, leading oil exporter Saudi Arabia announced a substantial cut in February 2024 Arab Light crude prices for Asian customers. The move comes in response to heightened competition from rival suppliers and growing concerns about a supply surplus in the industry.

Price reduction

Saudi Aramco made a bold decision to decrease Arab Light crude’s February 2024 official selling price (OSP) for Asia by $2 a barrel. It set the new price at $1.50 a barrel over Oman/Dubai quotes. This marks the lowest level in 27 months, echoing the pricing last witnessed in November 2021. The magnitude of this price cut aligns with market expectations.

Arab Light crude’s price reduction comes in the wake of increasing competition. Refiners are seeking competitive prices from Saudi Arabia to match those offered by other Middle Eastern producers and the arbitrage cargoes from the Atlantic Basin. Hence, Saudi Arabia’s Arab Light crude is relatively more expensive compared to other crude in the region.

Asian market softens

The Asian physical oil market has experienced a softening over the past month, reflecting expectations of reduced supply tightness in the near term. Additionally, the market expects weaker demand as some Asian refineries schedule shutdowns for maintenance in the spring season of the northern hemisphere.

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Global inventory concerns

Despite OPEC+’s collective voluntary output cut of 2.2 million barrels per day, doubts persist among market participants regarding the efficacy of the supply reduction. There are growing concerns that this might not be sufficient to prevent a build-up in global oil inventories, postponing expectations for an oil price rally until at least the second quarter of 2024.

Moreover, Saudi Aramco extended its Arab Light crude price adjustments for February 2024 beyond the Asian market, cutting prices for other crude grades sold to Asia by $2 a barrel. Saudi Aramco also decreased the Arab Light OSP to northwest Europe by $2 a barrel to $0.90 a barrel above ICE Brent. Meanwhile, the Arab Light OSP to the United States will also see a $2 per barrel reduction to $5.15 against ASCI in February.

Saudi Arabia’s bold move to cut Arab Light crude prices reflects the delicate balancing act in the global oil market. As the industry grapples with heightened competition, supply concerns, and uncertainties around demand, the February price adjustments by Saudi Aramco signal an adaptive response to prevailing market dynamics. Industry stakeholders will closely monitor how these moves impact global oil trends in the coming months.

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