
The four futuristic megacities of Saudi’s NEOM

Several new projects in the works to diversify Kingdom's economy
The four futuristic megacities of Saudi’s NEOM
NEOM's Trojena (Photo Credit: NEOM)

Saudi Arabia is undergoing a major economic transformation in line with its overarching Vision 2030 strategy, which also involves creating a better quality of life for residents, attracting more tourists, and developing a more diverse and future-focused economy.

NEOM is arguably the most eye-catching of Saudi Arabia’s megaprojects.

The zone covers 26,500 square kilometers and is located in the country’s northwestern corner. It is envisioned as a futuristic smart city powered by clean energy with no cars or carbon emissions. It will house a variety of attractions.

The $500 billion megaproject will be treated as a country within a country, with its own economic zone and authority, which means it will be independent of the rules that govern the rest of the Kingdom.

People living there would not be referred to as Saudis, but rather as “Neomians,” and the development is expected to have millions of residents by 2030, according to the project’s head of tourism Andrew McEvoy.

There are plans to build a network of airports in NEOM, including an international hub. The first, NEOM Bay Airport in Sharma’s northern region, has already opened and is used by investors and on-site employees.

A $5 billion partnership with Acwa Power and Air Products in the United States has been formed to build the world’s largest green hydrogen and green ammonia plant, which is expected to be operational in 2025.

Here’s a rundown of the megaprojects in store for NEOM:

The Line

The Line is planned to be a 170-kilometer linear city that will house nine million people. It will run from east to west across the NEOM region. According to the developer, the city will consist of two parallel, 500-meter-high, linear skyscrapers standing 200 meters apart. The buildings will be clad with mirrored facades.


The Line (Photo Credit: SPA)


Oxagon is planned as an octagon-shaped port city that will be built on the Red Sea in the far south of the NEOM region. According to NEOM’s developer, the port and logistics hub will be the “world’s largest floating structure”.

Read more: Red Sea project, NEOM, to accelerate regenerative tourism to Saudi


Oxagon (Photo Credit: NEOM)


Trojena is planned as a ski resort in the Sarwat Mountains near the north of the NEOM region. The 60-square-kilometer skiing and outdoor-activity resort will offer year-round skiing and is set to host the 2029 Asian Winter Games.


Sindalah (Photo Credit: NEOM)


Sindalah is planned as an island resort within the Red Sea. Aimed at the yachting community, the 840,000-square-metre island will have an 86-berth marina and numerous hotels.

For more on NEOM, click here.

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